Thursday, August 27, 2009


its seven years or more but i can still vividly recall the first time i met this one very interesting fella we all loved calling 'mungi' or 'tudde'. he was this new lad in school who had once been to SMACK and there was word going around that a new rugger was around campus, being the 'mbuzi' i was and a rugby player on college (one of the best in my time) i went up to him at the hostel to see who this new boy was whose presence was threatening my popularity on college...ahhh da college

any way back to poetry in my o'level i happened to be da best student in ordinary level literature with another RAY as we had both scored distinction two in the subject and apparently had failed to equal the legendary Norbert Mao whose name even the best James Amatre said with lots of admiration so as the rest of the school was showering us with praise, he arrived the student who had equaled MAO so here i was seated next to him and when i asked him (like was the custom while at college) what number he played as a rugby player, he went on to remind me that he didn't play numbers but position. he was not only proud he was also arrogant. any way i went on to learn that he was just like the rest of us and he even learned to call the rugby score trial and not try.

in class we were met by our poetry teacher to be one rowdy Ochieng Ralph he asked us to mention our grades in literature and u should have seen the manner in which Assimwe Collins dressed in a blazer, full uniform with spectacles already reading some literary works of the best. i could sense even rowdy Ochieng was intimidatedby this new guy in his classy.

as u might have already read from some where that i was a blubber mouth back in the day, but i might say Collins as we now call him in his prescence made me dumb just like Bassaniodid to his peers in the merchant of Venice. the brother could talk and later on he perfectly replaced Twase who had opted for sciences as the guy who took on rowdy Ochieng in the Lit lesson. his talkativeness even earned him a suspension from the lessons of Lit three together with his side kick 'wasulukare' now known as Gilbert.

aside from that i had the honor of serving with him on the prefectorate of 2003/2004 where he held the portfolio of assistant head prefect thanks to his talkativeness he beat his opponents hands down. we played side to side in rugby on the school team where he played his favourite position at the flank, we shared moments of joy and occasionally clashed over ladies one incident i will leave to tell on another day.

now when i see Collins living in the reality of lantern meet of poets. reciting poetry at Kiryas shows, is see the collin i met on that sunny after noon fresh from holiday eager to leave a big foot print on the college, that you did Collins and i know with the lantern meet of poets the sky is the limit for this man who now likens himself to SPARTAKUSS.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


as i was going about my usual Friday evening program i could not help but realize that there was an unusual increase in the number of young ones in our good bars and from the way they carried them selves around only one conclusion could be arrived at, fresh men had ended their long vacations and joined higher institutions of learning and were experimenting on their promised prize the teachers always preached to them as they asked them to concentrate with the hope that if they did their best they could partake in the main dance. yes, they had taken over our good bars with their still raw sense of style, high school like dance strokes and singing out loudly when their favorite tune was played on the sound system cheering on the DJ to give them more, but fresh men why do u sip our good club beer with straws? bar tenders should stop serving beer to clients who go on to also ask for straws because its not only amateur but also embarrassing, OK the Barney in me is really strong on this one.

any way as i lay in the corner and watched these young lads and lasses i couldnot help but think back of my own fresh man year ,the highs and the lows and tdefinately the anti climax of not joining makerere and sadly joining kyambogo university.

around this same time of the year in 2005 i was destined to join the higher institutions of learning. i was so ready for it for the eight month wait was really tiring as i had had to sit at my old ladies shop daily and in away i felt ihad lost da little intellct i had pick up while in hsc. fast forward results are out and yes it was time to join makerere to study was it urban planning am sure i would now be in jail fro having all kiosks around town demolished and those living in slums sent back to mpigi or wakiso. so any the excitement is on finally we are going to drink, make merry with no limits its campu time and oh my the girls that had eluded me for thirteen years(did i mention i was in single school since primary one?) were finally going to to be mine and that feat was going to be legendary.

as plans were being made for what hall or hostel to reside in i got a phone call from a good friend of mine definitely off the rugby pitch telling me the list of sports scholarship was up at the sports department. this was it finally my for efforts inflicting pain and running hard on the pitch that had caught the eye of ug's best yayiro kasasa was paying off. this was i was going to university to study for free remember it was in my year that scholarships for arts students was scrapped so this was indeed a blessing.

the shock that i got when on reaching the sports department and learning that yes i had the scholarship but in another university kyambogo to be precise cannot be described, the disappointment was un bearable and the worst was yet tocome kyambogo's academic year was not opening until a month later so the painful long wait was to continue. but i waited went to kyambogo and yes resigned to tha fact that indeed the real campus excitement had come and gone past my door. we joined with another two friends of mine from school all as sportmen. first we hated the place and stuck to want took us there and that was sports and academics ignoring the social life including da not so appealing girls and opting for the more interesting social life of our brothers in MUK although this lasted up to look december and of course we could not over power assimilation, it overwhelmed us and we realised life wasnot as bad as we wanted to imagine. with that out of the way i must admit i really had a good time in kyambogo and even became the envy of my bros in mubs and muk. one of my friends even went on to become the gulid presiden t and made your truly the guild finance minister and with the guild coffers to ourselves what couldnt we get? no wonder red pepper went on to say HE bedded thes hotties in all posh hotels which was not true but politics wa at play.
thank u kyabogo and those that voted us into power u made kyambogo bearable and to u fresh men DO IT ALL being a fresh man is a once in a life time thing....................................

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

man eaters are they real???

can it be real that man eaters really exist? forget about the Zimba from our history class who terrorized the Portuguese on the coast. recently i received mail"man eaters family picnic" from some one with gross pictures that kept me away from meat for quite some time showing modern day Asians looking like they were the dot com type devouring what looked like was a human being.
without seeming to be bothered they dissect and dismantle the human body like a bunch of biology high school students in the lab.
this reminded me of child hood stories about night dancers can it be real that these night movers really consume human flesh and its some sort of delicacy could it be possible that people exist around here who feel nothing while they feed on their own kind. i took the pleasure to share with you pictures of what some people i think in Asia do when all hope for a decent meal is lost.
the government had better do something about the famine lest you or me become victims of hunger and anger from those without a meal. enjoy


she's popular,famous,rich,striking,envied by many,chased by but failed many. she defines beauty and she's over flowing with it and out of the blue she likes you and she makes a very aggressive move to get you. she will do anything to get to you ,get your attention and then without pick up lines no funny you float my ark, songs of songs me and you the remix....
she wants you and that's all she cares for , she doesn't care what you think of her all she cares for is to get a "piece" of you. Now gentle men and yeah ladies too what would u do?? would you be offended.
last month i had a very eventful days. there were interns around work and yes, hell broke loose the faint heart ed took leave to avoid Clinton like situations and risk their bread winning jobs.

yours truly did not seem to be bothered by these new beings from team o estrogen and thought like the rest of these daughters of eve they would just pass and wait to be hit on and i planned to let them wait till they got bored and finally leave without disturbing my peace. the rest of the pack of guys lay their strategies, rehearsed their lines and even too loans to be able to get hold of these aliens in a pharmaceutical company.

i was wrong ladies and gentle men there was this brave mortal who risked it all and asked the around about this unapproachable guy in accounts. she managed to get hold of my extension number called me whenever she could and believe me in the beginning it was annoying. despite all her a fore mentioned attributes she was intelligent and cunning too and thanks to face book and one daring move she got my cell number now the stalking as i liked to call it started. she sent me texts which i ignored in the mean time being this busy guy in office, finally i succumbed and even sent up a date to reveal her identity. of course i tried to cheat my way into knowing who she was before hand to avoid any kinds of not so appealing vixens since we were to go for a sporting event where my boys would be and hell no i didn't want to show up with a not so appealing bird. this bird was clever she always rejected my calls when i was around for fear of revealing her identity, and thanks to these numerous telecommunication companies she had two cell lines and registered one to the human resource department. man she was bright but i was not about to let her win so ....
i am digressing yes finally Friday too bad basket ball was at the YMCA and i couldn't attend. i pick her up at around nine destination centenary park gardens like fate would have it i bump into my boss who i made sure swore to live by the saying that what happens in Vegas remains in Vegas much thanks to the bro code. with that out of the way i we settled down ordered for drinks and u dot want to know what happened next.... Tonie,Arnold,etc can tel the rest of the story for me.
all i can say is freely let her have it and i have no regrets after all it was one bold belle who knew what she wanted and was not scared to go for it. i least offended but simply amazed by her boldness and how emancipated she was. thirty one days down the road i would do it all over and i really miss her
and its hard to take in that it will be another whole year before we get some new trainees